Indy Chamber

The Indy Chamber is a membership-based company that works with local businesses to help Indy prosper economically. From coaching to lending, the Indy Chamber offers a variety of tools and opportunities to local companies to help them succeed.

About the project

Indy Chamber came to our team in need of a site redesign. They were looking to boost new memberships and trying to curb cancelations. My team and I immediately dug in with customer interviews. We interviewed a range of people, including customers who had canceled their memberships. After sharing our findings with Indy Chamber, they realized their problems ran deeper than just their website. As Indy Chamber began making changes internally, we began redesigning their site based on our customer interview findings. By listening to their users, reorganizing the site, and creating clear customer paths, we were able to boost Indy Chamber’s online membership leads from 20 per month to 45 leads per month.